Saturday, July 07, 2007

Marriage and the company of a girl for the rest of the life to share all happiness and sorrows. The very thought itself invokes a pleasant feeling in my mind.

Isnt it really nice to have a own girl for life, Oh man! I really love that.

Very recently, I lost the best girlfriend of mine who supported me all through for about 3 years.
Was a highly emotional moment for me that dint let me focus on anything for many days. Still I dont seem to be fully recovered from the shock. Sometimes, I remember her so much that I feel like calling her immediately.

To lose somebody with whom ones emotions are shared is really painful and the pain is beyond expression. I am eagerly looking forward to having a beautiful understanding and caring girl for my life with whom I can always spend some nice and sweet moments. That brings back and reminds me of the goal or task I have set for myself in my life. A quality and powerful MBA that can shake and change me all for the better and for the rest of the life, coz' I want to give my beloved life partner a life that will leave her smiling all the way through.

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