Sunday, July 29, 2007

There have been many occasions when I have noticed performers around me and told to myself ! I wish I was one. The intent, the desire, the inspriation, the motivation and the determination hit a high at that moment that I feel like conquering the world. But the same doesn't stay on and this has happened time and again.

I think the route cause for all this problem lies in the fact that the company and the environs that I live in take me away from the reality and thinking so much that I never know what I am doing. In other words, the friends that I have do not contribute to even a pinch of inspiration.
But, why should they, it is bad on my part to expect that frm my friends, coz' they are in no way responsible for my career and future. The fact is that I am losing track due to the all this and I need to find a way out of this. I need to spend more time self-interrospecting and going about doing what I plan and intend to do.

I fail to think, plan and though I do, I fail to materialize all that courtesy the environment is not at all conducive. I have to work hard to change my environment and make things work for me.
I am eagerly looking forward to see myself as a performer that can make me as well as people around me proud !!!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Relying on oneself for all things is never going to let one down and make one feel sorry and bad about anything. It means having the supreme power to do anything within oneself.

But, that can never be as easy as thought of.

I want to transform myself from being a virtual parasite as I am now into a fully independent individual making productive use of time that i have in my hands and persisting with the self belief that it would take me to the desired destination on one fine day...........

Yes, this is what I mean by saying relying on oneself, to grab every single opportunity to realise the dreams and making a calamity also turn into an opportunity is wht is the need of the hour for me.

I really hate to depend on somebody for a better fortune and feel depressed and sorrow whn it is conditional.

I am the master of my destiny and that is how it should be till the end....

Afterall, how can I let a fool take control of my life and be resposible for anything good that happens in my life,

How can I live at the mercy of a fool to change my life all for the better,

The time has come to act and act to shape my destiny.....
Marriage and the company of a girl for the rest of the life to share all happiness and sorrows. The very thought itself invokes a pleasant feeling in my mind.

Isnt it really nice to have a own girl for life, Oh man! I really love that.

Very recently, I lost the best girlfriend of mine who supported me all through for about 3 years.
Was a highly emotional moment for me that dint let me focus on anything for many days. Still I dont seem to be fully recovered from the shock. Sometimes, I remember her so much that I feel like calling her immediately.

To lose somebody with whom ones emotions are shared is really painful and the pain is beyond expression. I am eagerly looking forward to having a beautiful understanding and caring girl for my life with whom I can always spend some nice and sweet moments. That brings back and reminds me of the goal or task I have set for myself in my life. A quality and powerful MBA that can shake and change me all for the better and for the rest of the life, coz' I want to give my beloved life partner a life that will leave her smiling all the way through.

Friday, July 06, 2007

I am pressing for things to happen but they dont seem to be falling in place and though they do, not in a convincing manner. It's simply resulting in restlessness more and more.

I am really desperate sometimes for the things to happen. I really dont find somebody to express all my headaches and issues of this kind. My blog seems to be the best friend sometimes. I really love my blog and feel light at heart when i put my thoughts in it. But do I blog often, No, I dont. There is a serious lack of discipline in things I do. I really dont know when would I learn to do things. Wish there is an end in sight to all my problems.

I want to start feeling comfortable about myself and stamp my presence in many ways than I usually am doing.